Spotlight: Paula Codoñer


Based in Valencia, Spain, Paula Codoñer is a film photographer and also the co-founder of Malvarrosa Film Lab. Specializing in other-worldly floral photography, Paula’s client list includes Kate Spade, Dropbox, and Issey Miyake. Her work has been widely featured in exhibitions such as The Print Gallery London and Alzueta Gallery in Barcelona and publications including Kinfolk.

First, tell us a little about yourself. What is your background, how long have you been a photographer, and what type of photography do you specialize in?

I've been photographing since I remember. I studied Product Design and Photography in school, and specialized in still photography.

Why did you get into photography, and what inspires you?

I’ve always been curious about photography and have always taken photos. There really isn’t a specific moment when I realized that I wanted to be a photographer. For me, it was a natural process of doing what I like to do. It’s a fun, creative and free way of expression. I'm inspired by nature and flora.

Can you give us some insight into your shooting techniques when shooting film? What are the top 3 most important elements when you shoot film?

For me the most important things are: to have enough film, always have a pair of cameras, and take special care of the light so you have a nice light and exposure of the film.

Why do you shoot film? Any advice to others interested in working with film?

I love the process, it's really conscious and calm. I love the process as much as the results. The images taken with film come out with natural and beautiful colors and grain and a special texture.

What are your biggest influences as a creative?

I love nature and flora.

Any recent photos, shoots, upcoming projects, or photography plans that you're excited about and would like to share with us?

I'm really excited with the 3rd edition of the photobook: A Rainbow Full of Flowers (edited by Handshake) that works both as a photobook and as a poster collection.

What’s your favorite photo or session you’ve ever taken on Fujifilm?

It's difficult to choose only one, I'm very happy with every project and especially its process.